New Amp


Finally got around to getting a new amplifier and sweet Jesus does this thing sound amazing. I had previously been using a mini Marshall Amplifier for the past few years for the majority of the time. Not that there was anything wrong with that, it is just hard to play any sort of show with something so small. This thing definitely gets the job done and the sound quality is incredible. Goes perfectly with the Stratocaster I’d say..

Two Sides



I was driving home from a music studio in the middle of nowhere yesterday and the sunset looked insane. I pulled over to take some pictures and there was a ton of open space and really cool plants around. I thought this was a cool idea by taking a picture of the same plant but getting both sides of it. One being the sunset, while the other a shot of the moon. Kind of cool how it worked out I think.



Up at Berthoud pass they had all these awesome purple flowers up there. I did a little research on what this flower was and I am pretty sure it is an alpine fireweed. It was nice to not only take in the view up here but go on a mini hike around the area to check out all the smaller things such as this flower or the trees in general. The weirdest thing for me up there was how quiet the world was. Just felt like everything was on pause or something. Relaxing to say the least when I am used to living next to the highway. Lots of bees up here also with these flowers which was cool to see. No wasps or anything thank God. Hate those damn things.

Berthoud Pass


Took a drive up to Berthoud pass over the weekend. Went from only being a mile high in altitude in Denver to going up to over 11,000 feet.. Pretty wild. The view up here is ridiculous, it feels like you are looking over the entire world or something. Another example of why Colorado is such an awesome place. You can go from being in a big city where there is tons of stuff to do, up to the mountains in an hour or less. Being able to escape the big city life is a nice thing to have I think. Getting some space from the chaos is underrated and more people should try it. Even if it is just to check out a view or spend the day up here.

Redrocks and Company



Had a long weekend with friends from college the past few days. Of course I had to take them up here. Probably one of the nicest days I have experienced out in Redrocks, even though we were pretty hungover that morning. We hiked around the hills for an hour or so until we saw a rattlesnake. Thing started rattling at us and everything, one of my friends took off running and I think that was it for all of us. I would’ve gotten a picture but it was hiding under a rock, obviously I did not want to get too close… Still a pretty cool experience though honestly.

Gothic Theater


The Gothic Theater is a music venue around the corner from where I live. It is in Englewood Colorado and has hosted many awesome bands over the years. According to their website, the Gothic Theater has been around since the 1920’s and used to just be an old movie theater until 1998 when it was renovated. It is a cool little venue and definitely an interesting place to check out. I remember one time I went here years ago and saw the guitar player “Buckethead.” It was an awesome time, the guy on stage even took out a pair of ninja style nunchucks and waved them around on stage. I really need to go back and check out a show soon.

Boulder in Black and White


I got sort of lost on my way out of Boulder the other day and my gps. It made me loop around and put me on this side road. I am glad it did though because I was able to get this shot of the road and mountains. Like I said in my last post, it is really hard to NOT pull over and get pictures of basically everything during this drive. There are so many amazing things to see. From where I live, I usually like to drive up past Morrison and Golden just because the way is much more scenic and enjoyable.

Boulder Views


Being a photographer and going to Boulder is kind of a nightmare and also the greatest thing ever. Nightmare because I have to pull over to the side of the road constantly because you see some views that you just never see anywhere else. I don’t think I need to mention much about why it is one of the greatest places to take photos. The views are nothing short of incredible here. I always laugh whenever I mention the great landscape and scenery to a friend that lives here. They always respond with something like “yea its pretty cool I guess.” You guess? Man, you need to get out of town for awhile if the views of this place don’t consistently make you freak out every time you leave your house. It looks beautiful year round up here but my personal favorite is during the winter time. Seeing the snow on the Flatirons looks Game of Thrones like. Just doesn’t seem real to me when I head up here.



I think it’s funny how you have something so beautiful like this rainbow arcing across the sky, and right beneath it is a scummy warehouse building. The weird thing about this though is that every time it rains or looks like it is going to rain, I always see a rainbow over the building. So I’m not really sure what the deal is with that. Maybe something magical is going on in there and I am too busy judging the building. Who knows.



Here is another photo I took down on the Platte River. It was insanely high on this day since it had been raining for a week almost. The bike path is next to this and the water was only a foot or less underneath it. It was also running pretty fast in this area. Very underrated thing to do in my opinion is to just walk the bike path at night during the sunset. It was relaxing and they have benches set up everywhere. Be weary of mosquitos however… I got destroyed. Worth it in my opinion.