

Right before I took this picture, the family that is in front of me walked past. The kid with them looked about 11 or 12 and was absolutely miserable to be here. I thought it was hilarious because it totally reminded me of being a kid and hating hiking. It was hot outside and hiking around up here is pretty difficult since you aren’t just exercising. You are also dealing with thin air due to the elevation. So the poor kid was wheezing and dragging his feet along and I totally sympathized with him. So much so that I turned around and got in my car to drive to the top…. I was not about to do what his family was in the process of doing. Not to say hiking around here isn’t awesome or whatever, because it totally is. Just not that day when it was 90 outside.



I always think its crazy how you don’t have to go that far out of the city before you start seeing bugs and animals you would never see where you live. Red Rocks is probably 15 minutes from my apartment, where everything around me is concrete and urban, landscape wise. Once you get to Morrison however, you start seeing things you would NEVER see in the city. Like this giant bug. I was just walking around on the road when I saw this guy trying to cross the street. A van was approaching in the distance so I scooted him along. Other times I’ve been to Red Rocks I have seen foxes, racoons, deer, and more. Would not be surprised if they had bears hanging out in that area also..

Auto Parts


There’s this auto shop down the road from where I live that I always thought looked pretty interesting. Behind this store they have a huge junk yard full of old cars that are deteriorating and piles of sheet metal laying around. The store looks like something you’d see in the 50s which is why I stopped to take pictures. You don’t see stuff like this that often anymore. At least where I’m from anyway. I would’ve gone into the junk yard also but it had this massive warning sign. Since I value my life, I decided it probably wasn’t a great idea to go wandering back there. Anyway, they also had this cool looking truck out front. They had a few of these out there which I thought was neat, but this one still had that aged look to it while the others clearly were modified and repainted. I like the old school one better.